What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?
Romans 8:31 NKJV
As humans we are quite easily confused. Stalin became terribly paranoid later in his horrific reign. He suspected everyone of trying to steal his position. When he finally did decide to trust another world leader he chose Hitler, who promptly betrayed that trust. We are easily duped into misinterpreting reality. We mistake our foes for our allies and vice-versa. The Scripture declares that, if we have placed our faith in Jesus Christ the Lord is always our ally. When we walk well and when we fall. He is FOR us. He doesn't want to see us punished or "payed out" (He already punished His Son in our place). He wants to see us turn and rest in what He has already done for us. His goal is to conform us to image of His Son, Jesus Christ, and He will not fail in that goal. When we fail He isn't wagging His finger at us, nor shaking His head. He is holding out His hand. Offering the life of Christ as our provision for every need if we would but trust Him.