Friday, July 10, 2009

Ever Deeper

One of the things that I love about the Lord is the endless depth that there is to a relationship with Him. The moment you think you have come to the bottom the bottom drops out and there is a whole deeper level to go to. Each day, each month, each year, is a new and deeper experience. I read through my old journals and I find myself praying many of the same things, praying over many of the same people, and yet they are more real today then they were before. The endless depths of walking with Jesus constantly amaze me. I never knew that I would see temptation as an opportunity to choose to be in fellowship with my Savior. I never imagined that I would be able to look at a day of work that I don't want to do and praise Him for what He is doing in and through me. I would never have imagined that there was so much deeper to go, so much further. Yet that is what it means to know the infinite God. We spend our time here in the adventure of going deeper and deeper with Him until we feel like we may just be crushed by the immensity of His wonder, His love, His grace and His holiness.
Then when we are just about to suffocate we blink and look up and find ourselves safely within our Father's arms. Those arms that created us and carry us and comfort us and find us even when we are too ashamed or scared to ask for help. How can we come to an understanding of that? How do we come to grips with this God who has loved us, graced us with salvation, protects us, and yet grows us in spite of our own foolishness. I hope to experience fellowship with my Lord more and more with each passing day until I can be united to Him eternally.

1 comment:

  1. I like your words . . . deeper and deeper. You have always had such a pure passion for Jesus.
