How many problems are solved as I obey this simple command. Verses like John 3:16, Romans 5:8 and others so clearly capture the truth of our faith. Verses that point us towards Christ. Yet this verse always draws at me. I first encountered it in High School choir in a beautiful arrangement wherein the words were repeated in a wonderful, high choral fashion. That song still rings in my head (Thank you Ms. Sorenson!) and reminds me that He is in control.
I had a few opportunities to be still today. A quiet walk, a quiet sit while the children were napping. In the stillness and surrender I remembered how very small I am, how very insignificant in the grand scheme of things. It seems odd to think that an ant would worry about his place in the world, nothing the ant could do will bring the world crashing down around us (If ants do have this power unbeknown to us, let us hope they continue to use their self control wisely and continue diligently about their work!). And given the revelation of my own sub-microscopic size in view of things I should only be more and more amazed that God saw fit to care for me. Sees fit to guide me, because the important things is was and always will be: Him and the fact that He is God. It was a nice day, as a result, not being so consumed with my own burden of importance and resting in the freedom of letting Him be the important one.
Peaceful and true, Brad. Yes, we are small, very small and tenderly loved and attended to. The peace is under the blanket of grace, isn't it?