Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Of Lepers and Leopards

"While he was in one of the towns, Jesus came upon a man who was a mass of leprosy. When he saw Jesus, he prostrated himself before him and begged, "If you want to Lord, you can make me clean." Luke 5:12 (J.B. Phillips)

I don't know how long it took me to figure out that Jesus wasn't a veterinarian. Or at least to learn that veterinary medicine wasn't his primary occupation. Yet, I had to respect a fellow who cared for leopards, but then, who wouldn't heal a talking leopard if the chance was given to him? Then someone explained leprosy to me. I'm quite sure it was my father, he always has been good at straightening out such difficulties without drawing too much attention to the error!

The Law of Moses gives a great deal of information about skin disease. There were procedures for determining if skin disease was dangerous. Once the determination was made that person was ostracized from their life, society and family. Even their possessions had to be ritually cleansed before they could be used by a clean person. How heartless it seems that the Law of God would have these sick people sent out from the camp, separated from everyone else, left to die among themselves. Yet, this is all the power that man has. We cannot heal ourselves. Disease is a result of the fall, a result of Sin. Sin affected everything: physical, emotional and spiritual. Whenever a person was ostracized from camp because of their sinfulness it was not the fault of the Law, it was the fault of the brokenness that entered into the world through Adam. It is a perfect demonstration of our own helplessness.

Yet, the leper of Luke 5 had a hope. Seeing that the religious leaders were helpless to save him, that he was unable to save himself, he knew that he was doomed to a life without community, physical contact or access to God through the temple. Then Jesus came through his town. This leper finds Jesus and his faith is so great that he doesn't ask, "Can you cleanse me?" but, knowing Christ's power, only makes known his great need. Christ's compassion shines through the words, "Certainly I am willing. Be clean." That is why He came. All we could ever manage on our own was to dissociate from sin, sickness and disease. Jesus Christ came and cleansed, healed and forgave. That is who is at work in you.

1 comment:

  1. Remember when you were a leopard for Halloween? You felt very scary!
