For this reason I bow my knees before the Father... Ephesians 3:14
When a superior officer walks into a room all of the soldiers snap to attention. Their posture is one of obedience, alertness and respect.
When you tell your friend about something that is very important to you he leans in, put's his hand on his cheek and locks his eyes on you. His posture tells you that he is listening.
We are Spirits connected to bodies, and when these bodies are gone we will be given new bodies. As long as we have bodies (and Scripture tells us we always will) our posture is important. Paul, the Apostle of Grace, says that he took time to bend his knees and kneel before the Father in prayer. What does this posture say? To kneel is to put one's self in submission, kneeling is a sign of humility. Of course we can pray regardless of our posture. For many of us kneeling may not even be possible, approaching the Lord with the humility and knowledge of our true position is always possible. For Paul prayer was so important that he set everything else aside and knelt on the ground, while chained to a Roman guard. He was unashamed to physically show his humility before his loving Savior God.
I like this, Brad. It's so true and encouraging, too.