Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Good Investments

Treasures of the wickedness profit nothing,
But righteousness delivers from death.
The LORD will not allow the righteous soul to famish,
But He casts away the desire of the wicked.
Proverbs 10:2-3

In the film The Money Pit a young couple buys their dream house, knowing that it has “a little work” to do.  Over the course of the film they find that there was much more wrong with the house than they could ever have anticipated and they are going to be bankrupted by what they thought was their best investment.  So it is with the gains made through wickedness.  They may seem to be advantageous.  A person may even go to their grave having never seen their fortunes turn.  Though we may amass great wealth apart from God that wealth will never satisfy.  A person can quite easily pour their life into the accrual of earthly goods and have lost everything in the process.  The only wise choice available to us is to place our investments of time, energy, and finance into things that are eternal: our relationship with God and in our relationships with others.

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