Monday, January 2, 2017

The Currency of Real Righteousness

Riches do not profit in the day of wrath,
But righteousness delivers from death.
Proverbs 11:4

Money is constantly equated with power.  With money one can buy many fabulous and exciting things.  Yet the abilities of money reach definite and distinct limits.  Money can buy entertainment and fun, but not contentment and joy.  Money can provide decided legal and social advantage here on Earth, but not before the One who will judge the Earth.  The currency with the Lord deals in is not our dirty little slips of paper – but righteousness.  This brings us to the ultimate and dire need of every human alive.  We do not have the righteousness which we need to stand before the perfect and almighty judge.  This is the righteousness which God has provided for any who would place their faith in Jesus Christ.  It is HIS righteousness – given to us by the person and work of His Son– by which we may stand before Him. There is no other righteousness, nor any other amount of riches, nor any amount of influence or power that provide peace with the righteous God of Heaven and Earth.

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