Monday, December 13, 2010

Joy to the World

"Joy" is a word we hear quite frequently in the holiday season. It is a word that is often written in large glittery letters across shiny Christmas cards and in lights over windows. It becomes so familiar that we often fail to think about the importance of this word. What is joy? How did it come to the world in the person of Jesus Christ? If "joy" is simply a synonym for "happiness" then we find that there was plenty of joy in the world already, however Biblical joy is much more than just happiness.

Like all of the fruit of the Spirit joy is something that is the product of the believer in Christ in spite of any circumstance. Joy is a deeper gladness of heart that cannot be affected by any outward circumstances. The growth of joy in the life of the believer is the mark of maturity that enables the Christian to step into every day with love and good cheer, knowing that the Lord will complete His good work in each of us. And while we can sustain many painful losses in this life, not one force on earth can touch our eternal position in the Heavenlies in Christ. Here is the striking reality: The only way that this world could ever see true joy isn't on a card, or written in lights. It is the burning flame that emanates from the heart and life of every person who is living in fellowship with the Lord Jesus Christ, each and every day. The Christmas card that really matters is you! are a letter of Christ, cared for by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.
2 Corinthians 3:3


  1. This really made me think.

    I suddenly thought how often we say, "Deep Joy." sarcastically when something goes wrong. I don't know if that expression is used in the States, but over here in the UK it's used a lot.

    For example, someone might say, "the weather forecasters say we're going to get snowed in again", and the response might be, "Oh Joy" or "Deep Joy" in a monotone sarcastic way.

    I've said it myself (and maybe even on my blog!)....hmmm, maybe I'll think twice next time...I would rather express TRUE Deep Joy! Thank you for this thought-provoking post Bradley! God bless you.

  2. Oh, and I love the overflow of the deep joy. I like it when it spills on me.
