Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Way

Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."
John 14:6

Last week's devotion was about longing. Not for a thing, or for a possession, but for a Person. Longing for the Messiah. Longing for Jesus. In looking at this week's verse we see why. This monumental statement shows more than we may think. Very often this verse is referenced in the context of salvation. Truly, there is no other name by which we can be saved (Acts 4:12), there is no access to the Father, except through the person of Jesus Christ. He bought that privilege for all who receive it by faith in the Him, by His sacrifice on the cross. This verse perfectly identifies our need for Jesus in order to be saved. However, there is more to this verse.

The earliest title given to followers of Christ was "those of the Way."* This way was Jesus Christ. This is one of Jesus' amazing "I am" statements wherein He claims deity with his very grammar and word choice. However, this does lead us to a question: How can a person be a way? It is amazing that Jesus takes many titles for Himself which we may not expect. He tells us that He is the Door in John 10:9. Jesus is the Door by which we enter into a relationship with God. Jesus is the path we walk (the way). We walk this path because He has given us His history, because He empowers and guides us through His Holy Spirit, He leads us by His word, He has given us the fellowship of His body (the Church), and has placed us in an eternal relationship with God the Father. Jesus is the The Way.

In John 14:3 we find that, not only is Jesus the Door and the Way, He is also preparing a place for us. Jesus is the Door. Jesus is the Way. Jesus is the destination. He redeemed you for a love relationship that will last for all of eternity.

*(FYI - In modern times this title has been hijacked by a cult)


  1. Wonderful promises. And what a shame we don't (or can't) use the phrase, "of the Way" any more. I love it. Great uplifting post Bradley, thanks.

  2. You are so sweet! Thank you Tina. I agree, it's so sad when words get high jacked from their true meaning.

  3. I remember when the Living Bible came out and the paperback version was called THE WAY. I liked it.
