...do this in remembrance of Me.
Luke 22:19
Happy Memorial Day! I hope you have had some time on this holiday to consider those who fought and died for this country. Those who gave their lives to preserve the freedom that we enjoy deserve our respect, gratitude and admiration. It is hard for humans to remember things aright. For the Children of Israel it was easier to remember Egypt's easy meals, rather than their miraculous deliverance. It is always easy to forget the incredible blessings and character of God when enticed by worldly things. Christ's message to the church at Ephesus was just that, "REMEMBER the height from which you have fallen" (Revelation 2:5). I hope you had an opportunity today to remember the courage of those who died for the sake of this country. However, I hope we take time every day to remember your First Love. He who loves you and gave Himself up for you.