And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;
Ephesians 6:17
Each of us pursues excellence in our respective field (or fields) of expertise. The excellent tradesman is constantly refining his technique, caring for his tools and learning about new products. The excellent parent is considering constantly how they might better "train up a child in the way that he should go." The excellent gardener spends hours watering, weeding and considering what plants will thrive in a given garden. Soldiers spend hours learning how their weapons work, and how to use them with accuracy and control. As we looked at Psalm 19 we saw the wonderful perfection and power of God's word in the life of a believer. It is unthinkable that a painter would show up to a job without brushes, rollers and sprayers. It is yet more unthinkable that a soldier would come to a battle without his weapon. It should be most unthinkable that any follower of Jesus Christ would allow him or herself to be separated from the Scriptures...
It seems so simple and obvious when you state it this way, drawing these parallels. Yet, I get more focused on being a better parent that I do on being a better follower of Christ. Thank you for your convicting reminder. I love you!