And He said to them, "It is not for you to know the times or the seasons which the Father has put in His own authority." Acts 1:7
In examining church history (and even the last two years) this may be one of the most tragically ignored statements Jesus ever made (right behind, "As I have loved you, so love ye one another.") Whether Karesh, Camping, Heaven's Gate, 2012 or anyone else we prove that people are irresistibly drawn to those things that cannot be known. There is, however, another side to the Lord's injunction on His special messengers (the Apostles) as He prepares them to be sent out. They are to focus on what they DO know. That is what a witness is, not one who conjectures about the unknown, but one who testifies to what he has seen. Better news yet...the apostles then, and we today, are not witnesses of what we know, but Who we know.
Fantastic post Brad! And isn't it so calming to know that we don't know the future, but the Lord does, and He's already there. :)