Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Taking His Place

"Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?  Tell me, if you have understanding"Job 38:4

Success in life depends very much on knowing who and where we are at any given moment.  If a linebacker on the football team thinks that he is the quarterback there will be problems in the game.  Employees often grumble about their boss's decisions because they lack the perspective of the leadership of the company.  Musicians who refuse to follow the conductor can make a beautiful piece of music a complete muddle.  This is the problem that Job and his friends fell into.  Upon his great trial Job showed perseverance of character and trust in God.  Yet, in his more audacious moments (and due to the unjust provocation of his friends) he got too big for his britches and wanted to take his case before the Lord.  Job's friends wanted to usurp the place of God and assume they knew everything that was going on in the life of Job.  Yet God's rebuke to each of them is similar.  He alone is God.  Trying to assume His place only brings heartache and trouble.

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