Tuesday, December 8, 2015

The Company You Keep

My son, if sinners entice you,
Do not consent.
Proverbs 1:10

It is so easy to be deceived.  When a person is tried in a court of law, they are tried for a crime.  They are tried for their choices and actions.  If found guilty they are then punished for that crime.  We may wish to ask them their motivation, but a great deal of the time the person on trial is there simply because they threw in their lot with the wrong crowd.  We are limited little beings and we get to choose with whom we will spend our time, but make no mistake – we will be shaped by the people with whom we associate.  This warning works in the reverse, as well.  A student of average intelligence who chooses to spend time with good students often performs closer in grades to the company which he has chosen.  The question is there for each of us.  With whom do we choose to associate?  This is a seemingly small choice with monumental consequences. 

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