Monday, May 22, 2017

Understanding You Can Depend On

There is no wisdom or understanding
Or counsel against the Lord.
Proverbs 21:30

The world is filled with new wisdom and understanding.  Every day new and exciting research comes to light about technological advances, scientific discoveries, and medical breakthroughs that are beyond amazing.  There is, however, a great amount of understanding that is perverted to be made to appear as if it is against the Lord.  The specifics aside it is a powerful reminder to us all that the study of the physical earth is simply a study of the matter which God created, the rules which God set in place, and the information which God put in place for this world to spin.  While we may discover many new exciting things, like why leaves are green, God was the One who dictated that leaves would be green.  We may discover how to fix a malfunctioning organ in the human body, but God was the one who made that organ and allowed it to be repaired.  We will see wonderful discoveries, knowledge and understanding but they only confirm all that the Lord has put into place by His perfect will.

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