Friday, December 14, 2018

How I ceased to be a Grinch

When we are children Christmas is magical.  Gifts, events, cookies, a holiday from school...everything is grand!  In growing older our perspectives change.  Snow needs to be shoveled, money needs to be spent.  Heat, gifts, and Christmas parties all put a different kind of pressure upon a person.  As a child Christmas was lovely, but into my twenties, Christmas became a terror.  Working in retail reminded me daily of the avarice and materialism of Christmas.  Being blasted with the same six secular Christmas love-songs that were deemed appropriate for a secular workplace was about to drive me absolutely mad.  There was more to do with less money and I was poised to become a full-scale Grinch!

Later, the Lord answered our prayers and dreams and I became the pastor of a small church.  Now, Christmas was a time to arrange parties and Christmas programs.  To do more with less, and it seemed that there was always so much expectation of what had to be done at Christmas time.  I confided to a dear friend my growing distaste for the whole Christmas season.

He responded:  "I used to feel the same way.  Before I met Jesus Christmas was just a mess and a noise.  But now that I know what Christmas is REALLY about I love this time more with every year!"

His words cut me to the quick.  I had been so distracted by all of the doings and expectations of Christmas that I was missing the point...even when I was talking about Christmas!  I had made Christmas all about myself - and reaped all of the misery of doing so. 

In the years that followed, I have changed my focus.  When I realized this season was a precious opportunity to look to the loving Savior and the miracle of His visitation everything became different.  Now, Christmas is a delight!  Advent celebrations, Christmas Hymns that celebrate the Savior, and time dedicated to thanking God for all that He has given us in His Son.  I am so thankful for the wise words of my friend, for in saying them he brought me to a limitless appreciation of the Gift of Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE. Yes, it's easy to focus on all of the to do's instead of LOVE. Great reminder, sweet Brad.
